The Nordic Combinatorial Conferences are held every third year – the venue and organisation rotating among the Nordic countries. At NORCOM, mathematicians from the Nordic countries as well as from other countries meet and interact in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. All fields of mathematics related to combinatorics and discrete mathematics are welcome.
This year the conference takes place in Denmark, with participants staying and lectures taking place at Schæffergården in Gentofte in the Copenhagen area.
Jack Edmonds
Kathie Cameron, Wilfrid Laurier University
Peter Michaelsen, Hvidebæk Pastorat
Olav Geil, Aalborg University
There is a limited number of places for the conference. To register, contact Lars Døvling Andersen at You will then be sent a link to payment by credit card. The registration fee is 2500 DKK + VAT, in total 3125 DKK (approx. 420 euro). This covers two nights at Schæffergården and all meals (except for drinks).
Registration is now closed.
See a programme overview here.
And a full list of participants as well as a conference photo.
Please indicate at time of registration whether you intend to give a talk; 30 minutes will be allotted for each contributed talk.Then submit a title and an abstract in any format to no later than July 20 2019.
All abstracts are collected in this little booklet with a more detailed programme: Programme and abstracts. And you can find most of the presentations here.
Schæffergården is situated in Jægersborg in the northern part of Copenhagen. It is about 22 kilometers from Copenhagen Airport and 1 kilometer from Jægersborg S-train station.
This is the 13th Nordic Combinatorial Conference. Previous conferences have taken place in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. To see a list of all former conferences and learn more, see the NORCOM homepages.
Lars Døvling Andersen, Aalborg University
Peter Beelen, Technical University of Denmark
Trygve Johnsen, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Bjarne Toft, University of Southern Denmark
Einar Steingrímsson, University of Strathclyde
Lars Døvling Andersen, Aalborg University
Patric Östergård, Aalto University
Petter Brändén, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Trygve Johnsen; UiT The Arctic University of Norway